How to find out what your customers really want even though they don’t: ask them 7 questions!

The vast majority of customers don’t know what they want, nor what they need.

But they know very precisely what problems they face on their way to success.

Ask the right questions to get the right answers.

I use my standard list of 7 questions to ask to find out what customers really want. See below. And you what do you ask?

Q1 What do you do?

Understand your customer’s tasks. List all of their actions and the sequence of their tasks. Ask them to perform them in front of you. What do they do before and after using your product?

Q2 How do you do it?

What tools do they use? Is there a method to follow? Personal tricks? Ask them to show how they use these tools.

Q3 Why do you do it?

What is the added value of these tasks for their company? Don’t be afraid to ask why, why, and why again. What is it they are trying to achieve? And why? Be empathic. You need to get to the bottom of the reason why people do what they do.

Q4 What are your objectives?

What does being successful mean to them?

Q5 What is your workenvironment you operate in?

Industry dynamics, habits, company rules and procedures, processes, time of day when performing the task, tools used, etc…

Q6 What problems are you currently facing?

What are their impacts? Frequency? Make sure you also include their emotions surrounding these pain points.
Solving pain points is an easy way to sell as the user has usually identified their problem. They will quickly be able to judge whether the solution relieves their pain, or not.

Q7 How do you feel about your problems?

Frustration? How much? How often? How would a good solution feel? In B2C relationships, feelings and emotions are a very important part of the user experience. It turns out that this is true in B2B too, although not with the same magnitude. Yes, you are talking to professionals, but that doesn’t mean they have left their feelings and emotions at their company’s door. “I was really stressed that I could not be on time. I hate to be late as it gives a bad impression of my work.” The bigger the emotional impact of the problem, the more valuable the solution will be. Check out what Tony Robbins says about people buying feelings, not things:
So even if you sell functional products, don’t neglect the emotional aspect of it.

And you?

What questions do you ask to find out what customers really want?

Elithan Consultancy is a consultancy and interim management company that helps B2B technology
companies create, capture, position and launch customer value. Elithan Consultancy helps you make
informed and better decisions that lead to lower business risk and more positive outcomes.